Networking is one of the most effective approaches to getting your career on the fast track. It can help to expand your connections and influence, enhance your professional reputation, and improve your industry insight. Yet for a variety of reasons – from shyness to fear of making mistakes – many professionals and academics fail to make networking a career priority.
This informative workshop will show you techniques for tactful networking, pointing out common mistakes that are easily avoided. Learn strategies for face-to-face networking, email corresponding, and social media use. See how you can make the most out of every encounter, and get guidelines for making a great impression every time. Leave the workshop with action items that you can implement right away to advance your professional development and your career.
Topics include:
- What networking is and how it works
- What informal interviewing is and how it works
- The right and wrong approaches to networking
- The top five most common networking mistakes
- How, where, and when to grow your network